On June 23, 2022, a forum on the transformation of education was held, organized by the United Nations system in Uruguay with the leadership of UNESCO and UNICEF, in preparation for the global summit on Transforming Education convened by Secretary-General António Guterres for September of that year.
This exchange of ideas among authorities and technical representatives from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the National Administration of Public Education, and the CEIBAL Plan, along with academic researchers and experts from CEPAL, the World Bank, ILO CINTERFOR, PAHO/WHO, UNESCO, UNFPA, and UNICEF, allowed for a reflective and dialogic space to address the main challenges Uruguay faces across five thematic areas:
a) the creation and strengthening of “inclusive, equitable, safe, and healthy schools” following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic;
b) the development of the “teaching profession”;
c) the links between “learning and competency development for life and work”;
d) the processes of “learning and digital transformation”;
e) the needs for “education financing” in the face of the challenges of educational transformation.
This dialogue on the future challenges of education inspired the subsequent development of the “Dialogues on the Future of Uruguay.”
Below, you will find the event documents.